Spartan 3 Lite Troubleshooting Guide

Power-up Voltage Test

Sensor can be connected or disconnected.

  1. Disconnect all devices connected to the Linear Output (Pin 6 of screw terminal)
  2. With a multimeter, measure the voltage of the Linear Output (Pin 6 of screw terminal) during Spartan 3 Lite’s initial power on. You should be seeing ~1.66v during the first 5 seconds, 3.33v the next 5 seconds, please confirm this.

If you have an AFR gauge like our Solid AFR Gauge connected, ~1.66v should show up as ~13.33[AFR] and 3.33[V] should show ~16.67[AFR].

If you do not get remotely the same voltages then the problem is either a power connection issue or the Spartan 3 Lite is faulty.

Free Air Test

  1. Remove Sensor from the exhaust
  2. Connect the sensor to the wideband controller and power on the wideband controller
  3. Wait about 2 minutes, the sensor should get hot (be careful), please confirm it gets hot
  4. With the sensor in Free Air, the wideband controller should read max lean (~20AFR, 5v on Pin 6 of th screw terminal), please confirm this

Sensor Test with Lighter Gas

  1. Remove Sensor from exhaust
  2. Connect the sensor to the wideband controller and power on the wideband controller
  3. Wait about 2 minutes, the sensor should get hot (be careful)
  4. With a cigarette lighter, give the tip of the sensor some gas, do not light the gas. With enough gas, the wideband controller should output max rich (~10AFR, 0v on linear output), please confirm this